Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Get involved

Do you live in one of the countries I’ll be visiting? Drop me a line - I’d love to meet up!

Have a story you want to share? The world deserves to know! Feel free to post your stories here, or send them to me.

  • What is your neighborhood like? How does life there compare to the places you go to 'be gay'? Where do the two intersect, and what does it mean to your life?

  • What did it 'mean' to you when you first considered the idea that you were gay? What does it mean to you now?

  • To what extent are mainstream images of gay people appropriate to your life? In what ways are they not? What people/communities have you known that have come to define themselves in different ways?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, let's get this blog popular-seeming and "authentic" as any real homo-oriented dealie should be.
Mein storywassen:
Only days after coming to the disastrous realization that I was ummm....not straight....I remember walking down my street in providence toward the bus stop and seeing the words "GAY GAY GAY!" in pink seizure letters with a techno beat rattling in my brain. Vomit. I honestly could not handle the idea that this was my fate. Since then, I have realized that gays come in all costumes and are not necessarily drawn exclusively to cher and coldplay.
Well, I guess I am slightly critical of the community, mostly because I can't find it in myself to join a group and identify with it entirely. I'm an american damnit and I'll be damned if I'm not an individual. I have this gay side but I feel like if it isn't complimented with other sides then I might be confused with someone else and I'm an individual damnit, not that other gay guy. So I guess I just don't want to be figured out entirely, which makes me kind of dutch in a way, but also I want to be liked by a large cross section of people.
Unfortunately I'm sure I'm not alone in this puzzle, so maybe you can find a big super diverse super-sexualized community!
I look forward to hearing of your findings, Brian!